1 Samuel 1:27

I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.

Nathan's First Year

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How Sweet are These?

My Handsome Little Man!!!!
The story behind Snoopy.....Snoopy was Ashley's when he was little, many years later his cousin's little girl claimed it, and when Nathan was born she gave it to Nathan. This Snoopy has now been owned by three different children and made a circle back to Ashley's life through Nathan.

Nathan being loved on by his cousin Ethan. It was so sweet, Ethan must have kissed him a dozen times.

Maddy giving Nathan kisses.

Now really, have you ever seen anything sweeter? Maddy & Ethan are Ashley's brother's children and they are visiting for a few weeks. It was so hot the day we took pictures and the kids did great, as you can see Nathan handled it well by going to sleep.

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