1 Samuel 1:27

I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.

Nathan's First Year

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My baby is growing and eating baby food!

Nathan had his 4 month checkup this week. Can you believe he is already 4 months?
He weighed 15 lbs 1 1/2 oz and was 25 inches long.
The pediatricain said he was perfect! Of course, we already knew that.
We started baby foods this week. The pictures below will tell the story. I apologize but the pictures are in reverse order, so please look from the bottom up to get the story.
The picture above......We found a winner! Sweet Peas!!! He couldn't get enough. I started with just a little bit and had to go back for 2nds and 3rds. In the end it was only about half the container, but this was his first real food. I tried to add more pictures of the sweet pea meal, but I ran out of space. Trust me he liked it. It was so much fun!!!

The picture below & above was another attempt at rice cereal with a different spoon. As you can see he is still not a fan of it. The top picture looks like he wants the cereal, but believe me I don't think he really did.

We started trying to use the spoon about a week ago. I made his regular formula & cereal that he gets in his bottle, but a little thicker. Well, he didn't like it very much.
May be it was the spoon or maybe it was the cereal.